събота, 29 декември 2012 г.

Решения (9 - 11) от C# - Console Input Output

Задача 9

Write a program to print the first 100 members of the sequence of Fibonacci: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, …

using System;
using System.Numerics;
class Fibonacci
    static void Main()
        Console.Write("Enter how much numbers from the Fibonacci sequence you want calculated:");
        byte n;
        if ((!byte.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out n)) || (n < 1))
            Console.Write("Incorrect number, we will diplay the first 100 numbers.");
            n = 100;
        BigInteger currentNumber = 0;
        BigInteger lastNumber = 1;
        for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
            Console.WriteLine("Number {0,-3}:{1}", i, currentNumber);
            currentNumber = currentNumber + lastNumber;
            lastNumber = currentNumber - lastNumber;

Задача 10

Write a program to calculate the sum (with accuracy of 0.001): 1 + 1/2 - 1/3 + 1/4 - 1/5 + ...

using System;
class CalculateSumFractions
    static void Main()
        ushort n = 1000;
        decimal sum = 1;
        for (int i = 2; i <= n; i++)
            if ((i & 1) == 1)
                sum -= 1m / i;
                sum += 1m / i;
        Console.WriteLine("The sum is: {0:F3}", sum);
        //Second solution
        sum = 1;
        ushort devisor = 2;
        while (1m / devisor >= 0.001m)
            if ((devisor & 1) == 1)
                sum -= 1m / devisor;
                sum += 1m / devisor;
        Console.WriteLine("The sum from the second solution is: {0:F3}", sum);

Задача 11

Implement the "Falling Rocks" game in the text console. A small dwarf stays at the bottom of the screen and can move left and right (by the arrows keys). A number of rocks of different sizes and forms constantly fall down and you need to avoid a crash.
Rocks are the symbols ^, @, *, &, +, %, $, #, !, ., ;, - distributed with appropriate density. The dwarf is (O). Ensure a constant game speed by Thread.Sleep(150). Implement collision detection and scoring system.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
class FallingRocks
    struct Position
        public int row;
        public int col;
        public Position(int row, int col)
            this.row = row;
            this.col = col;
        public void ChangePosition (int row, int col)
           this.row += row;
           this.col += col;
    struct Rock
        public char symbol;
        public int weight;
        public Position position;
        public Rock(char symbol, int weight, int row = 0, int col = 0)
            this.symbol = symbol;
            this.weight = weight;
            this.position.row = row;
            this.position.col = col;
    static void Main(string[] args)
        byte maxNumberOfRocksPerRow = 3;
        Random randRocksPerRow = new Random();
        Queue<Rock> rocksQueue = new Queue<Rock> { };
        Position[] positions = new Position[]
            new Position(0,1),
            new Position(0,-1)
        Rock[] rocksArr = new Rock[]
            new Rock ('^', 10),
            new Rock ('@', 20),
            new Rock ('*', 30),
            new Rock ('&', 40),
            new Rock ('+', 50),
            new Rock ('%', 60),
            new Rock ('$', 70),
            new Rock ('#', 80),
            new Rock ('!', 90),
            new Rock ('.', 100),
            new Rock (';', 110),
            new Rock ('-', 120)
        int rockTotalWeight = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < rocksArr.Length; i++)
            rockTotalWeight = rocksArr[i].weight;
            rocksArr[i].weight = rockTotalWeight;
        Random randRocksType = new Random();
        Position dworf = new Position(Console.WindowHeight-1, Console.WindowWidth/2 - 2);
        Console.BufferHeight = Console.WindowHeight;
        Random randRocksColPosition = new Random();
        int rowNumber = 0;
        bool gameOn = true;
        while (gameOn)
            if (Console.KeyAvailable)
                ConsoleKeyInfo userInput = Console.ReadKey();
                if ((userInput.Key == ConsoleKey.RightArrow) && (dworf.col < Console.WindowWidth-4))
                    dworf.ChangePosition(0, 1);
                else if ((userInput.Key == ConsoleKey.LeftArrow) && (dworf.col > 0))
                    dworf.ChangePosition(0, -1);
            int randomRockWeight;
            int randomRockNumberPerRow = randRocksPerRow.Next(maxNumberOfRocksPerRow);
            Rock tempRock = new Rock();
            for (int i = 0; i < randomRockNumberPerRow; i++)
                randomRockWeight = randRocksType.Next(rockTotalWeight);
                int k = 0;
                while (rocksArr[k].weight < randomRockWeight)
                rocksQueue.Enqueue(new Rock(rocksArr[k].symbol, rocksArr[k].weight, rowNumber, randRocksColPosition.Next(Console.WindowWidth)));
            //We remove the rocks that are already under the last visible row
                tempRock = rocksQueue.Peek();
                while ((rowNumber - tempRock.position.row) > (Console.WindowHeight - 1))
                    tempRock = rocksQueue.Peek();
            catch { }
            int currentRockRow = 0;
            //We visualize the rocks
            foreach (Rock rockInQueue in rocksQueue)
                currentRockRow = rowNumber - rockInQueue.position.row;
                if ((currentRockRow == (Console.WindowHeight-1)) && 
                    (rockInQueue.position.col >= dworf.col) && 
                    (rockInQueue.position.col <= (dworf.col+2)))
                    gameOn = false;
                    Console.SetCursorPosition(rockInQueue.position.col, rowNumber - rockInQueue.position.row);
            Console.SetCursorPosition(dworf.col, dworf.row);
        //Console.SetCursorPosition((Console.WindowHeight / 2), (Console.WindowWidth / 2 - 5));
        Console.SetCursorPosition((Console.WindowWidth / 2 - 5), (Console.WindowHeight / 2));
        Console.SetCursorPosition((Console.WindowWidth / 2 - 5), (Console.WindowHeight / 2) + 1);
        Console.WriteLine("*Game over!*");
        Console.SetCursorPosition((Console.WindowWidth / 2 - 5), (Console.WindowHeight / 2) + 2);

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