Telerik Software Academy – C# Variant 2
Problem 1 – Fighter Attack
A rectangular plant P located in east-west direction is under attack by a fighter aircraft
flying over it on the west. When the fighter launches a missile we have its
coordinates F. It is assumed that
the missile's direction is always straight on the west and the missile always
hits the target after a fixed distance D
in front of the fighter.
To simplify our model we assume the land is
built of square cells of size 1 x 1 located in east-west direction and each cell has
integer Cartesian coordinates {x, y}. In this model the plant can be
represented by a rectangular area of cell and the missile always hits some of
the square cells (inside or outside of the plant).
When the missile hits a certain cell, the
damage over it is 100%, on the cells staying on the left and on the right of it
the damage is 50% and in front of it the damage is 75%. The total damage is sum of the separate
damages and can exceed 100%.
You are given the location of the plant P,
the location of the fighter F and the
distance D. Write a program that
calculates the damage over the plant after the attack. Note that the missile
could hits the plant partially of fully or can hit some area outside of the
plant and cause no damage.
At the figure below a plant P, a fighter F, a distance D and the
missile hit point are shown along with the damage caused over the cells by the
hit. Note that some of the damaged cells are outside of the plant and thus the
total damage is 225%:
Your task is to write a program that
calculates the total damage caused after the attack over the plant.
The input data should be read from the
console. There will be exactly 7
lines holding the integer numbers PX1,
PY1, PX2, PY2,
FX, FY, and D. The plant P
is given by the coordinates of any two of its opposite corners and is non-empty
(consists of at least one cell). The location of the fighter is given as cell
coordinates FX,
and FY and the distance D is given as an integer number.
The input data will always be valid and in
the format described. There is no need to check it explicitly.
The output should consist of a single line
holding the total damage given as percentage.
The numbers PX1, PY1, PX2,
PY2, FX, FY,
and D are all integers in the range
[-100 000 … 100 000].
Allowed work time for your program: 1 second.
Allowed memory: 16 MB.
using System; class FighterAttack { static void Main() { int pX1 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); int pY1 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); int pX2 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); int pY2 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (pX1 > pX2) { int temp = pX2; pX2 = pX1; pX1 = temp; } if (pY1 > pY2) { int temp = pY2; pY2 = pY1; pY1 = temp; } int fX = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); int fY = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); fX += int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); int [,] hitArea = new int [4,3] { {fX, fY+1, 50}, {fX, fY, 100}, {fX, fY-1, 50}, {fX+1, fY, 75} }; int totalDamage = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { int x1 = hitArea[i, 1]; int x2 = hitArea[i, 2]; if ((hitArea[i, 0] >= pX1) && (hitArea[i, 0] <= pX2) && (hitArea[i, 1] >= pY1) && (hitArea[i, 1] <= pY2)) { totalDamage += hitArea[i, 2]; } } Console.WriteLine("{0}%",totalDamage); } }
Problem 2 – Astrological Digits
The astrological digit of a given number N is a digit calculated by the number's
digits by a special algorithm. The algorithm performs the following steps:
(1) Sums the digits of the number N
and stores the result back in N.
(2) If the obtained result is bigger than 9, step (1) is repeated,
otherwise the algorithm finishes.
The last obtained value of N is the result, calculated by the
The input data should be read from the
The only line in the input contains a
number N, which can be integer or
real number (decimal fraction).
The input data will always be valid and in
the format described. There is no need to check it explicitly.
The output data should be printed on the
You must print the calculated astrological
digit of the number N on the first
and only line of the output.
The number N will be in range [-1.7 × 10−308… 1.7 × 10308].
It will have no more than 300 digits before and after the decimal point.
The decimal separator will
always be the "." symbol.
Allowed working time for your program: 0.25 seconds.
Allowed memory: 16 MB.
Input example
Output example
using System; class AstrologicalDigits { static void Main() { string nString = Console.ReadLine(); string [] numberSplit = nString.Split('.','-'); int n = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numberSplit.Length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < numberSplit[i].Length; j++) { n += int.Parse(numberSplit[i].Substring(j, 1)); } } while (n > 9) { string inner = Convert.ToString(n); n = 0; for (int i = 0; i < inner.Length; i++) { n += int.Parse(inner.Substring(i, 1)); } } Console.WriteLine(n); } }
Problem 3 – Sand-glass
Once upon a time a powerful wizard was
born. His name was Gwenogfryn and soon he became a great sorcerer. Kind-hearted
he was. He would only use his magic to protect humans from the evil witches
that would come at night. Gwenogfryn, however was a pacifist and did not want
to fight or hurt the witches, so he came up with another solution. He would
catch the witches and throw them into a sand-glass (the only prison a witch
cannot escape from). Unfortunately, he is running out of sand-glasses. Help Gwenogfryn
catch all witches by making your own sand-glasses.
The input data should be read from the
You have an integer number N (always odd
number) showing the height of the sand clock.
The input data will always be valid and in
the format described. There is no need to check it explicitly.
The output should be printed on the
You should print the hourglass on the
console. Each row can contain only the following characters: “.” (dot) and “*”
(asterisk). As shown in the example: the middle row must contain only one ‘*’
and all other symbols must be “.”. Every next row (up or down from the middle
one) must contain the same number of ‘*’ as the previous one plus two. You should
only use “.” to fill-in the rows, where necessary.
The number N will be a positive integer number between 3 and 101, inclusive.
Allowed working time for your program: 0.25 seconds.
Allowed memory: 16 MB.
Input example
Output example
using System; class SandGlass { static void Main() { int n = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); for (int i = 0; i < (n/2) + 1; i++) { Console.Write(new String('.', i)); Console.Write(new String('*', n - i * 2)); Console.WriteLine(new String('.', i)); } for (int i = (n / 2) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Console.Write(new String('.', i)); Console.Write(new String('*', n - i * 2)); Console.WriteLine(new String('.', i)); } } }
Problem 4 – Dancing Bits
Gergana loves dancing and she also likes
bits (she doesn't know what bits really are, but she knows that she likes
them). Few days ago she accidently invented a new term - “dancing bits”.
If you ask her what “dancing bits” mean she
will tell you that it’s a sequence of identical bits (so the bits can dance together
– zeros can only dance with other zeros, the same applies for ones).
You are given N positive integer numbers that are converted to binary numeral
system and are concatenated together in one big sequence of bits.
For example: if we have 4 numbers: 5 (101 in binary numeral system), 6
(110 in binary numeral system), 14
(1110 in binary numeral system) and 143
(1000111 in binary numeral system) their concatenation will be 101110111010001111.
You are also given a positive integer K - the number of identical bits
(zeroes or ones that can dance together).
Write a program that finds the number of all
“dancing bits” (the sequences of equal bits) with a length of exactly K bits. Your program should search in
the concatenation of the given N
For example, if we have 4 numbers (5, 6, 14 and 143, the concatenation of their binary representation is 101110111010001111) and we are searching for
the total number of all sequences of equal bits with an exact length of 3 bits, the answer will be 3 (the sequences are bolded in the
concatenation above).
In this example we have two sequences of
“dancing bits” - "111" consisting of
only ones and one sequence of “dancing bits” - "000" consisting of only zeros. Note that the sequence "1111" is not a sequence of exact 3 identical bits.
The input data should be read from the
At the first input line there will be one
positive integer – the number K.
At the second input line there will be
another positive integer – the number N.
At each of the next N lines there will be one positive integer – the N numbers that
represent the input sequence of bits.
The input data will always be valid and in
the format described. There is no need to check it explicitly.
The output data should be printed on the
The only output line must contain the
answer – the number of “dancing bits” sequences found.
The number K will be positive integer number between 1 and 25 600, inclusive.
The number N will be positive integer number between 1 and 800, inclusive.
Each of the N numbers will be positive integer
numbers between 1 and 2 147 483 647, inclusive.
Allowed working time for your program: 0.20 seconds.
Allowed memory: 16 MB.
Input example
Output example
using System; class DancingBits { static void Main() { int k = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); int n = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); string allNumbers = ""; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { allNumbers += Convert.ToString(int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()), 2); } int countDancingBits = 0; int charCount = 0; char lastChar = ' '; foreach (char currentChar in allNumbers) { if (currentChar != lastChar) { if (charCount == k) { countDancingBits++; } charCount = 1; lastChar = currentChar; } else { charCount++; } } if (charCount == k) { countDancingBits++; } Console.WriteLine(countDancingBits); } }
Problem 5 – Lines
You are given a list of 8 bytes (positive integers in the range
[0…255]) n0, n1,
…, n7. These
numbers represent a square grid consisting of 8 lines and 8 columns.
Each cell of the grid could either be empty or full. The first line is represented
by the bits of n0, the
second – by the bits of n1
and so on, and the last line is represented by the bits of n7. Each bit with value 1 denotes a full cell and each bit with value 0 denotes an empty cell. The lines are numbered from the first (top) to the last
(bottom) with the numbers 0, 1, …, 7. The
columns are numbered from right to left with the indices 0, 1, …, 7. The figure shows a sample square
grid and its representation by a sequence of 8 numbers n0, n1,
…, n7:
n0 = 8
n1 = 72
n2 = 8
n3 = 8
n4 = 16
n5 = 28
n6 = 240
n7 = 0
A line
is any sequence of full cells staying on the same row or column. At the figure
above we have two lines of 4 cells and two lines of 3 cells and one line of 1
cell. You need to create a program that finds the longest line in the grid and
the number of lines with the longest length. At the figure we have two largest
lines with length of 4 cells.
The input data is should be read from the
console. There will be exactly 8 lines each holding the integer numbers n0, n1,
…, n7. It is guaranteed that there exists at least
one line in the grid (the grid is not empty).
The input data will always be valid and in
the format described. There is no need to check it explicitly.
The output consists of two integers placed on
separate lines. The first line should hold the length of the longest line in
the grid. The second line should hold the number of lines with the maximal
The numbers n0, n1,
…, n7 are positive
integers in the range [0…255].
Allowed work time for your program: 0.25 seconds.
Allowed memory: 16 MB.
Input Example
Output Example
using System; class Lines { static void Main() { string [] rows = new string [8]; byte lenghtLine = 0; byte numberLines = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { rows[i] = Convert.ToString(byte.Parse(Console.ReadLine()),2); byte lenghtCurrentLine = 0; foreach (char letter in rows[i]) { if (letter == '1') { lenghtCurrentLine++; if (lenghtCurrentLine == lenghtLine) { numberLines++; } else if (lenghtCurrentLine > lenghtLine) { lenghtLine = lenghtCurrentLine; numberLines = 1; } } else { lenghtCurrentLine = 0; } } rows[i] = rows[i].PadLeft(8,'0'); } for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { byte lenghtCurrentLine = 0; for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { if (rows[i][j] == '1') { lenghtCurrentLine++; if (lenghtCurrentLine == lenghtLine) { numberLines++; } else if (lenghtCurrentLine > lenghtLine) { lenghtLine = lenghtCurrentLine; numberLines = 1; } } else { lenghtCurrentLine = 0; } } } Console.WriteLine(lenghtLine); Console.WriteLine(numberLines); } }